Ready to move your idea ahead? We have skills to take it to the next level. Whether you are building residential, commercial, institutional, municipal or another type of project, we have a variety of services available to cater to your needs. Feel free to contact us for more information or a quote for services.
From concept development to occupancy, STUDIO HOFFMAN offers a full spectrum of Architectural Services.
We hold a certificate of practice with the Ontario Association of Architects and have 15+ years of experience in the field.
Dedicated to collaboration and open communication with all project personnel, our Architectural expertise will help guide you through the building process to a successful project.
See below for more detail about Architectural Services.
Key(stone) Architectural Services:
Schematic Design – This is the early design phase. Spaces are organized and developed according to your project program, the site, and any development constraints. Options are explored and adjustments can be easily made. Every aspect involves close collaboration with you and your building users. Early engagement of consultants is ideal for this stage.
Design Development – Once a general design is established, additional detail is added to bring the concept to a realistic form. Structural, Mechanical, Electrical Consultants and other Professionals are actively sharing their requirements and incorporating them into the project. Code and Local Authority comments are incorporated and solidified into the whole building. The design is complete, with opportunity for minor modifications.
Construction Drawings – All the documents that inform the builder on how to construct the building are assembled and coordinated. This is the largest and most complex of the Architectural Phases. A high level of detail is worked into the a full set of drawings, including specifications.
Bidding & Negotiation – Your project is issued for Tender to a list of contractors. We provide assistance in the preparation of Tender documents, the evaluation of bids, and the contract between you and the builder.
Construction Administration – The last phase of typical Architectural Services entails monitoring the progress of construction, to review for general conformity with the contract documents. This involves site review, meetings, preparation of site instructions and change orders, as well as progress payment certification.
Customization - Not all Architectural projects require the same scope of work. Smaller tenant renovations and residential single family dwellings may only require a period of Design Development, followed by Construction Drawings issued for approval.
Let us know how we can adjust to the ideal services for your project.
Take advantage of the site features you are planning to invest in!
We are adept at exploring the full potential of building sites. By exploring the natural characteristics and determining the constraints, we can help you develop a creative and optimal site plan.
Including intuitive site design skills, we are experienced with the Site Plan Approval process. We can navigate the often complex processes involved with this early stage permit submission. Whether it be coordinating with a Conservation Authority, the City, or a Provincial Ministry, we are leaders in coordinating the many moving parts and working them through the system!
We offer pre-design services to explore the Feasibility of your project, before you get into the details.
Pre-design may involve:
establishing project goals
site analysis (see above), including zoning review
existing building review
developing a project program and/or scope of work
early code review
preliminary budgeting